Technical analysis is the forecasting of market prices by means of analysis of data generated by the process of trading. Technical analysis relies on the assumption that markets discount everything except information generated by market action, ergo, all you need is data generated by market action. Let's join and discuss the technical analysis in depth on particular stock with the traders all over the world.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Stock to watch 21 July: Uemland

4:25pm Airasia: It break resistance 3.67.  Buy more.
11:14am WCT: It start moving, at 3.09.  Support at 3.07, resistance 3.13.Worth to watch.
10:13am ASUPREM: It start moving, at 0.22.  Support at 0.205, resistance 0.225. Fishing at 0.21
Uemland: Bottom fishing at support 2.47.  RSI 11%, oversold.
Uemland-CE: Issued at 0.50 and expire at 20 Jan 2012. Exercise price at 2.55 and ratio 4:1. It is toilet paper now, haha... it still have half year to expire, want take risk to buy?


Trading Strategy

This is good trading strategy found in youtube.  It is very useful in maximizing profit in uptrend, downtrend and sideway market.  Enjoy!
