Technical analysis is the forecasting of market prices by means of analysis of data generated by the process of trading. Technical analysis relies on the assumption that markets discount everything except information generated by market action, ergo, all you need is data generated by market action. Let's join and discuss the technical analysis in depth on particular stock with the traders all over the world.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Analyze on XDL Fundamental performance

XDL trade at PE (1.765).   
How investor pick stock base on PE? 
For instance, stock A and stock B are in the same business field, both financial fundamental look similar, stock A trade at PE=10 whereas stock B trade at PE=15.  Obviously, investor  preferable to pick stock A as it is consider relatively cheap.
How we can determine a company is well managed? 
For a well managed company, its annual ROE is ~25% and ROA is ~15%.  In this case, XDL annual ROE=34.03% and ROA= 24.37%. 
Annual ROE=Annual profit / (Asset-Liabilities) ;
Annual ROA= Annual profit/ Asset;
How we know a company is holding enough cash?
A strong fundamental company current ratio should be less than 5.  In this case, XDL current ratio is ~1 and it is consider good.
How earning per share(EPS) affect the stock price?
PE=Current stock price/ EPS;
Assume the XDL PE is trade at 1.765.  Year 2010 EPS=0.1983.
Current stock price= 1.765 x 0.1983 = 0.35.
If Year 2011 projected EPS is 0.25, stock fair price= 0.44.
2011 Q1 EPS=0.0431, XDL need to work hard in Q2,Q3,Q4 to gain 0.2069 to make annual EPS=0.25. 
Would XDL archive it? 
Please leave some comment if you have any insider news about XDL or anything about XDL.